
Spicy Crispy Chicken Wings

Add the oil and mix again. Place in the pan, in one layer, and place in the oven.The following recipe is very quick to assemble and to prepare. Here the wings are roasted in the oven, but they can be grilled as well. Just perfect for 4th of July weekend lunch, or any other informal gathering.
I like to serve the wings with blue cheese and celery dressing (check THIS POST for recipe), roasted vegetables, fresh celery – and lots of napkins!
Any way you choose to serve them, I’m sure you’ll enjoy these tasty wings.

A few notes:
* Blackened seasoning mix usually includes paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, black pepper, cayenne pepper, basil, and oregano. If you can’t find it, mix and match the above spices according to your taste.
* Spice mixes vary in their spiciness, so add the extra cayenne only if needed. Another option is to keep the wings mildly spicy, and serve them with hot sauce on the side.
* The spice mixes also vary in the amount of salt they contain, so it’s best to taste the one you’re using and adjust the salt amounts accordingly.
* Hawaiian Alaea red salt is a coarse salt that contains small amount of red clay. It is wonderful for roasting. If you can’t find it, substitute with coarse Kosher salt and add a bit more paprika, to compensate for the color.

Makes: 2-4
Prep time: 15 minutes
Roasting time: 50 minutes

1.5 lbs (680 grams) chicken wings, halved, tips removed
2 Tbs Blackened seasoning mix
½ tsp each: roasted cumin, sumac, freshly ground black pepper, celery seeds
Cayenne to taste
1 Tbs Hawaiian Alaea red salt (or coarse Kosher salt + extra paprika)
1 Tbs cornstarch
2 Tbs olive oil

1. Preheat the oven to 425F (220C). Line a roasting pan with aluminum foil and baking paper.
2. Mix the spices, salt and cornstarch in a bowl. Add the chicken wings and mix to coat with the mixture. (At this stage the wings can be kept, covered, in the fridge, for up to a day. Bring to room temperature before continuing. )
Spicy Chicken Wings Ronit PensoSpicy Chicken Wings Ronit Penso
Add the oil and mix again. Place in the pan, in one layer, and place in the oven.
Add the oil and mix again. Place in the pan, in one layer, and place in the oven.Add the oil and mix again. Place in the pan, in one layer, and place in the oven.
3. Roast for 50 minutes, taking out the pan every 15 minutes and turning the wings over, until the wings are golden brown on both sides. Serve with roasted vegetables and blue cheese dip.
Spicy Chicken Wings Ronit PensoSpicy Chicken Wings Ronit Penso Spicy Chicken Wings Ronit Penso


59 thoughts on “Spicy Crispy Chicken Wings”

  1. Those look really good – do you leave the skin on while they are baking? Does it come off later, or is it meant to be eaten? I usually toss the wings from a whole roasted chicken into the stock pot straight away without fussing with trying to get the small amount of meat off them for eating.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Judie!
      Yes, I do keep the skin on and after roasting in high temperature most of the fat ends up in the pan while the skin is nice and crispy. I know it’s not considered healthy, but it’s very very tasty… 🙂
      The amount of meat is indeed not huge, but it’s quite enough, especially when served with other foods or as an appetizer.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for the explanation. The other day I purchased some chicken thighs and noticed that there was a package of just wings in the case. I looked at them out of curiosity because I never have found a reason to buy them on their own. I was astounded to see that the price was very nearly FOUR times the cost of the thighs! Granted the thighs were on sale, but the amount of meat, as you point out, is quite different between the two parts of the bird. Could your very appealing recipe substitute a meatier part of the chicken to the same result, or would they not crisp up properly?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, at times wings can be pricier despite of having less meat. I buy organic so it can be even pricier. My method is to look for the deal and once I see the price reduced (usually after weekends like 4th of July… ) I buy more and freeze them.

      The recipe/method of preparing the wings can work well with small chicken drumsticks, though the wings will always be crispier. You will need to roast them about 15 minutes longer, depending on size, of course.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Intriguing enough to save the recipe for a trial run in the Oven Central! Perhaps that would be too closed an environment to get the “crispy”, but I could transfer to the toaster oven or big oven for a drier/crispier experience. The cornstarch/oil is not something I have ever tried, but seems like that would make a coating “stick” a bit better. *Filing in brain!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I sometimes have problems with coatings not sticking. I never thought about adding cornstarch to a coating mix. I’m guessing this would work with lots of different foods.


  4. Everything you make looks so good, I like these wings because they are so easily tailored to suite a wimp like me when it comes to heat. Although I love the flavor of spicy food it is not something I can tolerate. I never heard of the Hawaiian salt before, sounds really nice. The blue cheese dipping sauce is my favorite part of eating wings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Suzanne! 🙂
      I’ve learned over the years that what one considers spicy is very subjective, so it’s best to start with less. More can always be added, but not the other way round! 🙂
      I enjoy a bit of pleasant spiciness, but can’t handle lots of it. The blue cheese dressing definitely helps with making the spiciness more tolerable, not to mention how tasty it is. 🙂


  5. Hi Ronit, I tried this recipe yesterday with drumsticks and came out great! I did not have blackened spice mix so created my own version using your above suggestion. thx for your recipe! The chicken was a huge hit with my family! Next time I need to try with chicken wings.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi. We don’t have blackened mix in England or France so thanks for explaining the mixture. This doesn’t look out of my low cooking ability so I’ll give it a try! Your recipes look so delicious I’m sure it will motivate people to cook more!


    1. Thank you Emma! 🙂
      I’m glad you liked the recipes and that the information about the spice mix was helpful. I do hope it will motivating people to cook more at home. It’s so much healthier and so much fun! 🙂


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