Herbs and Feta Cheese Fillo Triangles Tasty Eats Ronit Penso
appetizer, breakfast, Brunch, Cheese, Food, Recipes

Herbs and Feta Cheese Filo Triangles

Herbs and Feta Cheese Fillo Triangles Tasty Eats Ronit PensoMany people find working with Filo dough to be complicated, but in fact, it is very easy once you get the grip of it.
The great thing about this thin, paper-like dough, is that it allows you to control the type and amount of fat you want to use, and it can be formed into many different shapes; from the traditional triangles, as shown here, to squares, layers, cups and more. The variety of fillings is also endless, from savory to sweet. Continue reading “Herbs and Feta Cheese Filo Triangles”