Chicken, Entree, Recipes, Rice, Vegetables

Chicken Drumsticks with Succotash and Rice

Succotash is a tasty American dish, which has many variations, and is often served at Thanksgiving dinner. All the variations start with a basic mix of corn and Lima beans (or other types of beans). The combination of grain and legumes is highly nutritious, as it contains all the essential amino acids.
In the following “all in one pot” dish, I’ve decided to mix the corn and lima beans with chicken and rice. For even more layers of color and flavors, I’ve also added red and jalapeño peppers and scallions into the mix. Served with a green salad on the side, this tasty and colorful dish is perfect for lunch, or light dinner. Try it and enjoy.

* Texmati rice is a brand name for an American long grain type of rice. If you can’t find it, substitute with any other long grain rice.

Makes: 4
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes

4 medium size chicken drumsticks
2 tsp salt
½ tsp freshly ground four peppers mix
2 Tbs oil
½ cup white Texmati rice, washed and drained (see notes)
1 cup frozen baby Lima beans, thawed
1 cup frozen corn, thawed
1 cup red baby peppers, roughly chopped
1 Tbs chopped jalapeno pepper
3 scallions, chopped
1¼ cups water

1. Pat-dry the chicken and season with some of the salt and pepper. Pour 1 Tbs of the oil into a large pan, and heat over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and lightly fry on all sides, to golden-brown color. Transfer to a plate and keep in a warm place.
2. Add the remaining 1 Tbs oil to the pan, and add the rice. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 1-2 minutes, until it is coated with oil and starts to change color to white.
3. Add the lima beans, corn, red and jalapeno peppers and scallions. Mix and sauté for a minute.  Add the water and remaining salt and pepper. Mix and adjust seasoning if needed, and bring to an almost boil.

4. Place the chicken back in the pan, and cover it tightly. Reduce the heat to minimum, and cook for about 40 minutes, until the liquids absorbed and the chicken and rice are cooked through.

5. Turn off the heat and keep in the pan, covered, for 5 minutes. Transfer the chicken to a warm plate. Using a fork, lightly fluff and mix the rice and vegetables together before serving.

38 thoughts on “Chicken Drumsticks with Succotash and Rice”

  1. What a joy! For me, Lima beans are the only way to go when making succotash. I love the addition of red jalapeño. When jalapeños cook down, they add a distinct sweetness…different than the sweetness of corn. Nice addition! The chicken reminds me of the chicken my aunt used to make. This really looks wholesome and delicious. If I wasn’t so steeped in tradition, I’d make this instead of turkey for Thanksgiving. Who knows, maybe my family will get a surprise this year…Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, I almost forgot…Texamati rice! I’ve never heard of it, despite living most of my life in Texas. I have to check it out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Bob, I’m glad you liked the recipe, and that it brought up nice memories. I plan on serving it on Thanksgiving, as a side dish for those who are not into turkey.
      As for Texmati rice, I’m quite sure you’ll enjoy it. It has great texture and flavor.


  2. Yes, this dish does sound American to me 🙂 ! Had heard of the word succotash but to the best of my memory, have never made or tasted . . . lovely and colourful and so quick and easy to make methinks it deserves a place in the to-do file in the kitchen . . . I work from home: how convenient !!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Drumsticks are used very often in my kitchen – both the sticks and the «flat» middle parts.
    Your dish is a new version for me, I’ve never heard about succotash (we live and learn!).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi dear, your Recipes are yummy. I have nominated you for Sunshine Blogger Award. Hope you will accept my nomination and will enjoy my questions.

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