Chicken, Entree, Recipes, Vegetables

Lemon and Cilantro Roasted Chicken Thighs

Roasted chicken thighs with lemon and herbs, is a dish I make often, and have posted a couple of versions of it here. This time, I’ve decided to rely on cilantro as the main herb, and enhanced its aroma and flavor by adding Zhoug, a spicy cilantro based paste.Adding potatoes, grape tomatoes and oil cured black olives to the mix, created a whole meal in the pan. This summer dish is fresh and tangy, with a slight spiciness from the Zhoug paste , which also contains garlic, and spices, such as turmeric, cardamom, allspice and cumin.
The dish is quick and easy to assemble, and can be kept in the fridge until you’re ready to roast it. Once you do, you’ll find that the chicken skin turns extra crispy, while the lemony potatoes are well cooked, yet are still pleasantly firm and flavorful. The grape tomatoes turn sweetish while roasting, while the salty olives make a great contrasting flavor and add another bright color to the dish.

Served with a green salad on the side, the dish is perfect for a summer lunch or light dinner. Try it and enjoy.


* Cilantro is a popular herb, that many love, and many love to hate, due to genetic variation. If you belong to the latter, you can use any other fresh herb you prefer.  
* Zhoug is a cilantro based spicy condiment. Click HERE for the recipe. It is also available in specialty stores, or online.

Makes: 4
Prep time: 15 minutes
Marinating time: 2 hours and up to overnight
Roasting time: 50 minutes

4 chicken thighs, bone in, skin on (1.5lbs/680 grams)
1 lbs (454 grams) baby golden potatoes
1½ medium lemons
1 Tbs salt
½ tsp freshly ground four peppers mix
2-3 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
2 Tbs Zhoug paste (see notes)
1 cup packed fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped
8 oz assorted color grape tomatoes
3 Tbs olive oil
A generous handful of oil cured black olives
Fresh cilantro for serving

  1. Wash and pat dry the chicken thighs. Wash and dry the potatoes, and cut into medium thickness slices.
  2. Wash and dry the lemons, and juice them into a large bowl. Roughly cut half of the juiced lemons, and add to the bowl, along with the salt, pepper and garlic. Mix until the salt dissolves.
  3. Mix in the Zhoug paste, chopped cilantro and chicken thighs. Add the tomatoes, sliced potatoes and olives, and mix again. Pour the olive oil over, and mix to coat.
  4. Cover and place in the fridge for 2 hours, and up to overnight.
  5. When ready to roast, bring to room temperature. Preheat the oven to 400F (205C). Line a large flat baking sheet with baking paper.
  6. Arrange the potatoes over the pan, in one layer. Place the chicken thighs on top, and scatter the tomatoes and olives around.
  7. Roast for about 50 minutes, until the skin is golden brown and crispy, and the potatoes are done.
  8. Scatter fresh cilantro over and serve.

59 thoughts on “Lemon and Cilantro Roasted Chicken Thighs”

  1. I often see four pepper spice in your recipes, but I’m unable to find it in my supermarket. Is it a blend you make or do some markets actually carry it as a shelved item?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you Laurie for commenting.
      Here’s the link to the one I use and highly recommend:

      For some reason, the system doesn’t let me add the link from Amazon, so I suggest Googling “Drogheria & Alimentari Organic 4 Peppercorns Mill, 1.24 oz”.

      There are others to choose from, and if you still can’t get them, then freshly ground black pepper will work just as well. Hope it helps. Happy cooking! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Mmmmm. I will use some of these ingredients for a quick marinade, but you know what?!! I haven’t made zhoug/schug this summer!!! Why not??? I can’t believe it. It’s such a perfect condiment, and makes a fabulous salad dressing. Combining all you did is brilliant. Thanks!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I would definitely add at least 10 minutes to start with, but it all depends on how big the thighs you’ve bought are, as some are much bigger than others.
      I would also add 1-2 more tablespoons of olive oil, as turkey is leaner than chicken tights.
      Hope it helps, and hope you’ll enjoy the results! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I will be needing to make my own Zhoug paste, so thank you for the recipe! I have never come across it anywhere but here. These thighs (my favorite part of the bird) sound just fantastic. Thanks, Ronit!

    Liked by 1 person

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