Cookies, Food, Recipes

Hazelnut and Fennel Biscotti

Hazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit Penso

The following fragrant and tasty cookies are a variation of the classic Italian Biscotti cookies. Their name means “twice baked”, as they are first baked as a log, sliced and baked again until they are completely dry. This way of baking results cookies that can be stored for longer time than the average cookies.

As in the traditional recipe, in the recipe here I’ve avoided the newer additions of fat, liquids or larger amount of baking powder to the dough, and I’ve also sliced the logs into thinner slices. As a result, the cookies are extra crispy and dry, and are at their best when dunked in coffee or sweet wine. Try them and enjoy.

Prep time: 20 minutes
Baking time: 30 minutes + 10-15 minutes
Makes: about 50

½ cup sugar
1 ¼ cups flour
½ cup hazelnut flour
1 Tbs fennel seeds
½ tsp baking powder
Dash salt
¼ cup roughly chopped roasted hazelnuts
2 XL eggs, at room temperature
For the egg wash:
1 egg yolk mixed with 1 tsp milk and sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 350F (175C). Line two cookie sheet pans with baking paper.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar, flour, hazelnuts flour, fennel seeds, baking powder and salt.
3. Add the roasted hazelnuts and the eggs and knead briefly to a fairly sticky dough. Do not add flour.
Hazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit Penso
4. Divide the dough into two equal parts. On a lightly floured work space, roll each into a log about 2” (5cm) thick. Place in the baking pan and brush the top with the egg wash.
Hazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit Penso
5. Bake for 30 minutes. Take the pan out of the oven and increase the oven temperature to 375F (190C).
Hazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit Penso
6. Place the logs on a cutting board and let cool slightly. Slice each log with a serrated knife on the bias, while still warm, into ¼” (0.6 cm) slices. Place the cut slices in the pans, and bake for 10-15 minutes, until they are golden on the edges and completely dry. Place on racks to cool (the cookies will harden even more after cooling.) Keep in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks.
Hazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit PensoHazelnuts Fennel Biscotti Ronit Penso

21 thoughts on “Hazelnut and Fennel Biscotti”

  1. Oh sure! yesterday I dumped the last of my hazelnut meal into my cooked cereal! Oh well – I didn’t have half a cup of it anyway! It is delicious stuff to sprinkle on lots of things – most especially a new Tilamook ice cream I just discovered – MUDSLIDE. Also – a drizzle of concentrated tart cherry juice really makes it sing!

    Note to self: order more hazelnut flour

    Virtual hugs,


    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re evil! Biscotti has been on my “must try” list for decades, but never reached the top slot. Your recipe is snugly ensconced in my in box. I may print it out and plunk it prominently on the kitchen counter to keep it in my mind. Would make a great travel nibble.

        We always have hazelnuts – DH gobbles them after lunch every day. Do you know a good source? The season seems to be over for this year, and I am having to scramble to keep his jar filled.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I am! 🙂
          Biscotti are really perfect as a travel nibble, especially ones like in this recipe, that are dry and hard.
          As for hazelnuts – I never thought it’s a seasonal item. I get them year round without a problem. The flour is from “Bob’s Mill” and it is also available online.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I get the flour (and MANY other items) from Bob’s Red Mill.

            When we were in the Pacific Northwest for 18 months there were hazelnut groves everywhere near Eugene, but definitely a harvest season.

            I watched the prices and availability change as the months rolled by last year.

            Liked by 1 person

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