Cakes and Desserts, Recipes, Snack

Puffed Kamut Squares with Tahini, Cocoa Powder and Maple

Puffed rice squares are popular commercial crispy treats, though unfortunately, not the healthiest ones. A couple of years ago, I’ve prepared a homemade healthier version of them (click HERE for recipe), using tahini (sesame paste) and honey, a version which I’ve prepared every now and then since.

However, I was curious to try using other grains for the same purpose – and this time, decided to give puffed Kamut a try, instead of the puffed rice.

Kamut is a brand name for Khorasan wheat, an ancient nutritious grain, that is considered easier to digest than modern wheat. It has a nutty flavor and substantially larger grains. I wasn’t sure the larger grains will be fully coated with the biding paste as the puffed rice does, but decided to give it a try just the same.

From there, I’ve started changing other ingredients in the basic recipe: I’ve replaced the white sugar with brown sugar, added maple sugar and maple syrup to the mix, for another layer of aroma and sweetness, and two types of cocoa powder, for an added chocolaty flavor.

All these ingredients worked well together, and the squares turned out crispy and tasty, as I was hoping for. The squares make a perfect snack any time of the day, when you feel like having a light sweetish crunchy treat. Try them and enjoy.


* I’ve used Nature’s Path no added sugar “Kamut khorasan wheat Puffs”.

* Unlike the commercial versions, these squares will only keep their crispiness for about 2-3 days. For best results, keep them in the fridge until serving.


Makes: 25
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Chilling time: 2 hours

6 oz (170 grams) sugar free puffed Kamut (see notes)
¾ stick (85 grams) butter, soft
¾ cup brown sugar

¼ cup maple sugar (or extra brown sugar)

2 Tbs maple syrup

1 Tbs cocoa powder

1 Tbs Dutch processed dark cocoa powder

¼ tsp salt

1 cup Tahini (sesame seeds paste)
1 tsp vanilla paste

  1. Line a 12”x 8” (20.5 cm x 30 cm) baking pan with baking paper. Place the puffed Kamut in a large bowl.
  2. In a small pot, mix the butter, brown sugar, maple sugar, maple syrup, cocoa powders and salt. Cook over medium-high heat, mixing, until the butter melts and the mixture is smooth and on the verge of boiling. Lower the heat to low, add the Tahini and vanilla, mix and cook for 1-2 minutes. Take off the heat and mix until slightly cool.
  3. Pour the paste over the puffed Kamut, mixing gently with a spatula, so that all the grains are well covered with the paste. Transfer into the lined pan, and press the top with a spatula, to level it.
  4. Place in the fridge for 2 hours. Once chilled and set, cut into squares with a large serrated knife.
  5. Keep in an airtight container in the fridge. Best if served within 2-3 days.

24 thoughts on “Puffed Kamut Squares with Tahini, Cocoa Powder and Maple”

  1. I appreciate learning about new ingredients – the puffed Kamut sounds good. I just made some barley soup and the grains look similar. Double whammy of a favorite flavor – maple sugar and maple syrup. I’m sure it’s crunchy and tasty 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Judi. I also like to learn and use new ingredients, and puffed kamut got me curious. Barely is another grain I want to use more often.
      The addition of maple sugar and syrup was definitely noticed in this recipe. So fragrant and tasty. 🙂


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