Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Mango, Pistachio and Cardamom Galette


Finding some ripe and sweet fresh mangoes at the store, I was thinking about ways to use them, other then, obviously, enjoying them as is. As I was in the mood for baking a galette, I’ve decided they would be perfect for that.
Galette, the free-style pie, that doesn’t require special pans, is one of my go-to pastries, when I need a tasty rustic type of dessert.
As I’m also very fond of mixing nuts in the dough, I decided to add some roasted, lightly salted, pistachios to it. To that, I also added some cardamom powder, one of my favorite spices for baking. The pistachios added their special flavor and color, while the cardamom added wonderful aroma, that I knew would complement the mango aroma and flavor beautifully.
As the dough was rich enough with these additions, I left the mango layer with minimal additions; by using only a small amount of powdered sugar and cornstarch, in order to thicken their juice. Brushing the galette with a bit of fruit jelly spread, just before finishing baking, gave it a lovely shine.
All these flavors paired amazingly well together, creating a colorful and aromatic dessert. The galette is perfect for serving for lunch or dinner, with cold or warm beverages. Try it and enjoy.

* Other soft fruit can be used instead of the mango.
* For more galette recipes click HERE

Makes: 8-12
Prep time: 20 minutes
Chilling time: 1 hour (and up to overnight)
Baking time: 45 minutes

For the dough:
¼ cup roasted lightly salted pistachios
1 tsp cardamom powder
1¾ cups flour
2 Tbs sugar
1 stick (40z/115grams) butter, cold, cut into cubes
2-3 Tbs ice water (add 1-2 more, if needed)
For the mango layer:
3 medium yellow mangoes, ripe but firm
2 Tbs powdered sugar
1 Tbs cornstarch
¼ cup roughly chopped roasted lightly salted pistachios
For brushing t:
2 Tbs fruit jelly spread (I used strawberry), mixed with 1 Tbs boiling water

  1. The dough: place the pistachios in a food processor bowl, fitted with the metal blade, and process roughly. Add the cardamom powder, flour, sugar and butter, and process to a crumbly mixture. Add the water and process lightly. Transfer to a bowl, and knead briefly, just until a dough ball is formed (the less you handle the dough, the flakier it will be). Cover with wax paper and place in the fridge for an hour (and up to overnight). Bring to room temperate when you’re ready to bake.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350F (175C). Line a baking sheet pan with baking paper.
  3. The mango: peel and cut the mangoes into long strips. Place in a bowl, add the powdered sugar and cornstarch, and mix gently. Set aside, at room temperature.
  4. Divide the dough into two equal parts. Roll each on a lightly floured work space, to a large circle. Place a 7.5” (19cm) plate over it. Leaving 0.4” (1cm) around, cut the dough into a disc. Transfer to the lined pan, and repeat with the second part of the dough.
  5. Arrange the mango slices over the center of the dough, leaving 0.4” (1cm) clean dough around. Gently fold the dough edges over part of the outer circle of fruit, towards the center, leaving the center uncovered. Scatter the pistachios on top.
  6. Place in the lower third of the oven, and bake for about 40 minutes, until the dough is golden-brown. Carefully, take out of the oven, and brush the dough and fruit with the fruit jelly. Place back in the oven and bake for 5 minutes longer.
  7. Let cool a bit in the pan, over a rack. Cut each galette into 4-6 portions, with a large heavy knife.

31 thoughts on “Mango, Pistachio and Cardamom Galette”

      1. I just never thought of it, and not sure if I have ever even seen a recipe with them, other than the salmon tacos I make with mango and red peppers. If I ever get around to baking again, I will have to give them a try.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. The dough with the Pistachios and Cardamom makes my mouth water!!
    I love Mangoes but I doubt that I have ever had them in a pie but that will change. Another lovely dish to add to the list.
    Thanks Ronit :))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Mary, I was very happy with how this galette came together. The dough is most definitely a keeper, and I’m now thinking of more ways of using it.
      Mango is perfectly suitable for baking. I highly recommend experimenting with it. I hope you will enjoy it. 🙂


    1. Thank you Judi, galettes are indeed a great way to showcase fresh fruit. This one was especially tasty.
      I also enjoy mango mostly fresh, but it is wonderful in baking as well. I highly recommend trying it! 🙂


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