Cakes and Desserts, Cookies, Recipes

Condensed Milk Dough Rolled Cookies, with Coconut Filling


Ever since I’ve discovered the following sweetened condensed milk dough, I have used it in different ways. This time, I’ve decided to bake with it a roulade-type of cookies, filled with lightly sweetened coconut filling. Continue reading “Condensed Milk Dough Rolled Cookies, with Coconut Filling”

Cakes, Food, Recipes

Rich Yeast Dough Rolled Cakes

As I prepared these tasty cakes again this week, I realized it could be worthwhile to re-post the recipe, as it is from the early days of the blog and some of you probably didn’t see it.

I’m sure that even those of you who did see it, will enjoy this reminder of these very tasty and special cakes.

See you next week with a new recipe. 🙂

Tasty Eats

Yeast Dough Roulades Ronit Penso Tasty Eats

As much as I love quick baking cakes, when I take the time to bake yeast dough cakes, I have to admit there’s just no comparison – the amazing smell that fills the kitchen, the tasty rich fresh soft dough, combined with the filling and the crust – all come together to create the most “comfort food” experience that no quick muffin can give, with all due respect…

I am aware of the fact that quite a few people, even experienced bakers, are not too comfortable when it comes to yeast dough cakes. No one can deny that the process indeed takes longer than with most cakes, but it is mainly because of the waiting time for the dough to rise, not because there is so much more work involved. So find a day when you’re around the house, and give this a try. Be patient with the process, let…

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