appetizer, Brunch, Cheese, Food, Recipes, Salad, Sauces, Vegetables

Frisée Lettuce Salad with Pears, Pancetta, Pistachios and Blue Cheese

Finding a beautiful, fresh and crisp Frisée lettuce head at the store, was enough for me to grab it and create a salad with it.
The leaves of the Frisée lettuce are narrower and frizzier than those of most types of lettuce. They are almost white at the base, light green at the middle, and darker at the top. The crispy leaves have a slight pleasant bitterness to them, a bit milder than that of endive and chicory, from the same family. They hold well to bold flavored additions and dressing, which is what I had in mind.
I therefore paired the Frisée with salty diced pancetta, which was sautéed quickly until crisp, and with crumbled tangy blue cheese; and added Bosc pear to the mix, for its’ mild sweetness and crispy fresh texture. For a finishing touch, I’ve scattered some raw shelled pistachios on top. The pistachios enhanced the greenish color of the salad, and added another layer of flavor to it.
As the Frisée is so pretty on its own, I’ve decided to keep the leaves as they were, arrange the salad on a serving plate around them, and serve the rich and creamy blue cheese dressing on the side. This way of serving allows for a make-ahead preparation, and more leisurely entertaining.
Both salad and dressing are quick and simple to prepare, while creating a beautiful fresh salad, with sophisticated flavors.
The salad can be served as an appetizer, or as a side dish, for dinner; or as a main dish for a light spring brunch or lunch. Try it and enjoy.

Makes: 4-6
Prep time: 20 minutes

For the dressing:
½ cup Greek yogurt 5% fat
¼ cup sour cream
½ cup mayonnaise (I used Duke’s)
1 Tbs Dijon mustard
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp honey
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp freshly ground four peppers mix
½ cup whole milk
3 oz (85 grams) blue cheese (I used Amish Blue)
For the salad:
4 oz (113 grams) diced Pancetta
1 large bosc pear
1 head medium Frisée lettuce, washed and well dried, end part removed
3 oz (85 grams) blue cheese, crumbled (I used Amish Blue)
1/3 cup raw shelled pistachios

  1. The dressing: in a medium bowl, whisk together the yogurt, sour cream, mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, honey, salt and pepper. Gradually, and while whisking, add the milk, and whisk until smooth. Taste and adjust seasoning. Mix in the blue cheese, keeping it a bit lumpy. Set aside, at room temperature.
  2. The salad: sauté the pancetta in a medium pan, over medium-high heat, mixing occasionally, until it is cooked and crispy. Transfer to a paper towel, to adsorb extra fat.
  3. Cut the pear lengthwise, core with a melon baller, and cut into medium thickness segments.
  4. Arrange the Frisée lettuce on a large serving plate. Arrange the pears on the side. Scatter the pancetta, crumbled blue cheese and pistachios all over. Serve with the dressing on the side.

43 thoughts on “Frisée Lettuce Salad with Pears, Pancetta, Pistachios and Blue Cheese”

  1. Pear and Blue Cheese are a match made in heaven (I reckon!) and this salad would be a joy to eat with the Blue Cheese dressing as well!

    Thanks Ronit!

    Mary :))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Scott, I’m glad you liked the salad, despite not being into salads that much! Just remember, you can always use a small portion as a side for any protein.

      By the way, I’ve tried commenting on your blog, but somehow the comments are not going through. Just so you know. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow thanks for letting me know. The most recent you left (that I can see), is on my Pesto Pasta Salad recipe.

        Would love to connect outside the comments, feel free to drop me an email ( so I can problem solve this??? Much appreciated, Ronit!! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Blue cheese and pears is always pre se an amazing combination, but the pancetta and your delicious dressing take your salad to the absolute top! 🤩👍


    1. Thank you Judi, I also love this kind of salad, so enjoyed both mixing and eating it!
      I’ve found the Frisée at Whole Foods, but even there, it’s not always easy to find, so whenever I see it, I immediately take it. 🙂


  3. My first frisée salad was a Salade Lyonnaise – and I was immediately in love. I think yours sounds even better, especially with the pears and blue cheese.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Everything you create has such EYE APPEAL. The photos are fantastic and the recipes are unsurpassed. You’re my all-time favorite Chef. I love to cook, but pretty much homestyle. Now that I have this small RV, I’m having to learn how to cook in such a small environment and with limited ingredients. There’s just so much equipment I can have on board. But I’m working on it, testing, photographing and saving recipes as I go. Eventually, if I have enough success-stories, I’ll publish a little E-cookbook. The working title is “VanFare”. It’s fun to park somewhere and invite anyone who happens to be walking by to try out the latest thing out of the “kitchen”. So far, the reviews have been very good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I so glad you like my recipes, and even my photos – it is is a great compliment coming from such an accomplished photographer as you.
      I’m sure you’ll be able to work wonders in your small kitchen, as you no doubt have the right attitude.
      Looking forward to seeing more of your photos. Good luck with your E-Book project! 🙂


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