Chicken, Entree, Recipes, Vegetables

Lemon and Herbs Roasted Chicken Thighs and Potatoes

Roasted chicken with lemon is a favorite dish, which I make often, while adding different ingredients to the basic combination.

In the following recipe, I’ve added a large amount of fresh herbs, grape tomatoes and yellow potatoes to the mix. All the ingredients were then coated with fresh lemon juice and olive oil, and placed in the fridge to marinate for 4 hours – which helped the chicken and potatoes absorb the fresh herbs and lemon fragrance and flavors.

This tasty dish is very easy to assemble, and will fill your kitchen with wonderful aromas while roasting. Arranging the potatoes at the bottom of the pan, allows them to absorb all the juices while roasting, while elevating the chicken thighs creates an extra crispy skin. The roasted grape tomatoes add a nice sweetish fresh flavor, and the roasted lemon wedges and herbs make a special delightful treat their own. Try it and enjoy.



Makes: 4

Prep time: 15 minutes

Chilling time: 4 hours

Roasting time: 1 hour



1.6 lbs (725 grams) chicken thighs, bone in, skin on (preferably air-chilled)

8 oz (225 grams) grape tomatoes

6 fresh thyme sprigs

2 fresh sage sprigs

2 fresh rosemary sprigs

2 large garlic cloves, peeled and roughly cut

1½ Tbs salt (or to taste)

½ tsp freshly ground four peppers mix

1 medium thin skin juicy lemon, washed

6 medium yellow potatoes

¼ cup olive oil


  1. Place the chicken, grape tomatoes, herbs, garlic, salt and pepper, in a large bowl. Mix gently, so that the herbs and garlic will bruise a bit and release their fragrant oils.
  2. Juice the lemon and pour over the chicken. Cut into large wedges, add to the bowl and mix.
  3. Wash the potatoes and dry with paper towels. Cut in half, then into medium pieces. Add to the bowl and mix well. Pour the olive oil all over and mix again.  
  4. Cover the bowl and place in the fridge for 4 hours, mixing occasionally. When ready to roast, bring to room temperature.
  5. Preheat the oven to 390F (200C). Line a roasting pan with aluminum foil and baking paper.
  6. Arrange the potatoes at the bottom of the pan. Arrange the chicken, herbs, grape tomatoes and lemon on top.
  7. Roast for 1 hour, until the chicken skin is golden-brown and crispy, and the potatoes are done. Serve immediately.

58 thoughts on “Lemon and Herbs Roasted Chicken Thighs and Potatoes”

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you liked the recipe.
      Chicken thighs are so flavorful and definitely hard to ruin. I use them often (you can check the search button for more recipe), but roasting them with lemon is my favorite. I hope you’ll enjoy this version. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Joyce, so nice to hear from you.
      I hope you’re all doing well in these hectic times.
      Lemon indeed does wonders to chicken (and to just about anything in my book! ). I hope you’ll enjoy the dish.
      Best regards and Shana Tova! 🙂


    1. Thank you Carol, I’m glad you liked the recipe. The thighs are indeed so much more flavorful. As for the salt – I usually use 1 Tbs, but this time it felt it needed more – but maybe I’ll add a note about it. You can definitely adjust the amount according to your taste. It also depends on the type of salt you’re using. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for answering that, Ronit.. I just wanted to check as you can add more but can’t take it out…I agree some dishes are better for more salt…I normally use salt which is produced on the salt flats near my home …:)

        Liked by 2 people

  1. This is indeed a tasty dish and similar to one I make. I prepare an assortment of root vegetables and pumpkin – maybe portobello mushrooms for the bottom of the roasting dish placing the chicken on top. Usually a couple of glugs of wine with olive oil in the bottom with herbs from the garden. Will use lemon next time. Very tasty, Thanks Ronit. :))

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Mary, I’m glad you liked the recipe. This is indeed a versatile dish, and different vegetables/wine can be added to the pan (there are a few other recipes in this blog).
      Your version sounds so good – especially the addition of pumpkin and mushrooms. I will definitely use both in my next version! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Felix, I’m glad you liked my version. This combination of flavors is so tasty – no wonder we both decided to make it. Unfortunately, I don’t have the fixture for rotisserie chicken, otherwise I would use it often. 🙂


  2. I know I’ve mentioned before that I love dark meat, so I’ll always use thighs over breast. For some reason it seems we have a chicken thigh shortage down here. Couldn’t find any in the supermarket over the weekend, then at Costco last night they had ever piece EXCEPT thighs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Antonella, I’m glad you liked the recipe.
      I prefer to double with foil+baking paper, as I don’t want acidic foods touching the foil, and at the same time, such foods sometimes leak when using baking paper alone, at leas with the brands I use. But of course you can use whatever works for you. It’s not crucial at all. 🙂


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