Brunch, Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Spiced Plum Sour Cream Cake with Hazelnut Flour

Ripe juicy plums can be used in so many tasty ways, and the following simple and aromatic cake is yet another example of that. Continue reading “Spiced Plum Sour Cream Cake with Hazelnut Flour”

Entree, Recipes, Side dishes

Spiced Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Apples and Cider

After my successful experiment of cooking chicken in cider and apples (recipe can be found HERE), I’ve decided to use these ingredients to prepare pork tenderloin (also known as pork fillet) in a similar way. Continue reading “Spiced Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Apples and Cider”

Cakes, fruit, Recipes

Upside-down Pear and Cranberry Cake

Once again, I’m back to baking one of my favorite cakes – an upside-down cake. This time I chose Bosc pears to be the star of the fruit layer, to which I also added brown sugar and five spice powder. The powder, which is an aromatic blend mix of cinnamon, cloves, fennel, star anise, and Sichuan peppercorns, paired beautifully with the pears, and deepened the brownish color of the topping. Continue reading “Upside-down Pear and Cranberry Cake”

breakfast, Brunch, Cakes and Desserts, cupcakes, Food, fruit, Muffins, Recipes, Snack

Banana-Carrot-Apple muffins

Banana-Carrot-Apple muffins Ronit Penso

Writing recipes for a health/diet oriented magazine, requires experimenting with transforming “regular” recipes to ones that will be friendlier to the readers’ requests. It’s not so easy, especially when it comes to cakes and desserts. The results are not always edible, to put it mildly, and it requires quite a few trials in order to come up with a texture that’s moist and flavorful, yet not rubbery or heavy due to using whole wheat flour and less fat and sugar. Continue reading “Banana-Carrot-Apple muffins”