appetizer, Chicken, CONDIMENTS, Entree, Recipes

Chicken Patties with Indian Lime Pickle and Peppadew Peppers

Chicken patties make a lighter alternative for beef hamburgers, and I tend to make them more often in the summer, with different seasonings. Continue reading “Chicken Patties with Indian Lime Pickle and Peppadew Peppers”

appetizer, Cheese, Entree, Recipes, turkey

Turkey Mini Patties with Herbs, Almonds and Parmesan Cheese

Dark turkey meat is one of my favorites for burgers or patties. It is more flavorful than the breast, lighter than beef, and absorbs flavors easily. However, as it can get dry quite easily, it works better with a short time of cooking, which is why mini-patties is a good choice when using it. Continue reading “Turkey Mini Patties with Herbs, Almonds and Parmesan Cheese”

Beef, Eggs, Entree, Meat, Recipes

Pan Fried Beef, Onion and Parsley Patties, with Agristada Sauce

I’ve posted the recipe for Agristada – a Sephardic lemony sauce – a few years ago. In that post, the sauce was served with fried fish. However, the sauce is traditionally also served with steamed vegetables (such as artichokes or leeks), or with meatballs. When I made the following pan fried meat patties, I’ve decided to serve this tasty sauce with them. Continue reading “Pan Fried Beef, Onion and Parsley Patties, with Agristada Sauce”

CONDIMENTS, Meat, Recipes, turkey, Vegetables

Turkey Patties with Mushrooms, Parsley and Sun Dried Tomatoes

Although I rarely use store ground meat, I’ve had good experience with a local farm product of ground dark turkey meat, and decided to use it once more. This time again, I wanted to add some bold flavors to the somewhat bland meat, and at the same time, add more interesting texture to the patties. Continue reading “Turkey Patties with Mushrooms, Parsley and Sun Dried Tomatoes”

appetizer, Brunch, Recipes, Side dishes, Vegetables

Beet and Beet Greens Fritters

Whenever I find fresh beets with their greens, I immediately grab a bunch. Most often, I use the beets and the greens in separate recipes, but this time, however, I decided to use both in the same dish, and came up with the fritters you see here. Continue reading “Beet and Beet Greens Fritters”

Entree, Meat, Recipes, turkey

Turkey Patties with Pickled Lemon, Harissa and Parsley

Despite the fact I rarely use store bought ground meat, and always prefer to grind meat at home, when I saw a package of ground dark turkey meat from Koch’s farms a the store, I decided to still buy it, as I had positive experience with the product (recipe in THIS post). Continue reading “Turkey Patties with Pickled Lemon, Harissa and Parsley”

appetizer, Brunch, Chicken, Entree, Recipes, Vegetables

Potatoes, Chicken, Onion and Herbs Patties

The following tasty patties are my variation of “Aruk”, potato-herbs patties from the Jewish-Iraqi cuisine, which are popular in Israel. Continue reading “Potatoes, Chicken, Onion and Herbs Patties”

Cheese, Dips, Entree, Recipes, turkey

Turkey Burgers with Halloumi Cheese and Herbs

If you follow this blog for a while, you know by now that I hardly ever use store bought ground meat, and always prefer to grind it a home. However, as fresh turkey legs/thighs were not available for the turkey burgers I’ve had in mind, I went with the next best option: ground dark turkey meat from a local farm. Continue reading “Turkey Burgers with Halloumi Cheese and Herbs”

Meat, Recipes

Rustic Beef, Leeks and Potato Patties

Leeks and potatoes patties are a favorite of mine, and I make them often, when leeks are in season (click HERE for the recipe). So when I’ve found nice leeks at the store, I was planning on making them again. Continue reading “Rustic Beef, Leeks and Potato Patties”

lamb, Meat, Recipes, Sauces, Vegetables

Eggplant Rolls with Lamb Patties and Roasted Tomatoes-Peppers sauce

The combination of eggplant and lamb meat is one of my favorites. In the recipe here, the patties are fried at the last minute and the dish is assembled just before serving. Continue reading “Eggplant Rolls with Lamb Patties and Roasted Tomatoes-Peppers sauce”

Entree, Food, Pasta, Recipes, Side dishes, Vegetables

Israeli Couscous with Mushrooms

Israeli Couscous with Mushrooms Ronit PensoIsraeli couscous is actually a type of toasted pasta, but the best way to cook it is to treat it like rice, with measured amount of water. This way of cooking will result al-dente and separated grains. Continue reading “Israeli Couscous with Mushrooms”