Brunch, Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Dried Fruit and Ginger Heavy Cream Cake

Noticing I somehow accumulated quite a few small quantities of different dried fruit, I decided the best way to use them was in a cake. Continue reading “Dried Fruit and Ginger Heavy Cream Cake”

Brunch, Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Cranberry Apple Cake

Realizing I bought too many bags of fresh cranberries, I decided that baking a cake with some of them would be a good idea. Continue reading “Cranberry Apple Cake”

Brunch, Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Cranberry, Blueberry and Almond Cake

With fresh cranberries arriving at the stores, it’s hard not to use them in different ways, other than cranberry sauce. Continue reading “Cranberry, Blueberry and Almond Cake”

Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Banana, Persimmon and Coconut Cake

Persimmon season has begun, and it is delightful to use these bright orange color tasty fruits in different ways. I most often use them fresh, on their own, or as a part of fruit salad, but this time I wanted to use them as an ingredient in a cake. Continue reading “Banana, Persimmon and Coconut Cake”

Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Honey and Applesauce Tea Cakes, with Coconut and Rum

The Jewish New Year is celebrated tomorrow, and this brings back memories of traditional foods. One of the culinary traditions for this event, is to dip a slice of apple in honey, and eat it as a symbol for a sweet New Year. Plenty other sweet dishes are added to the table as well, in order to emphasize this hope for a sweet New Year. Continue reading “Honey and Applesauce Tea Cakes, with Coconut and Rum”

Brunch, Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Peach and Marzipan Galette

Fresh ripe summer fruits are in abundance, and it’s hard to resist using them in different ways. One of my favorites is preparing a quick galette – a free form pie – with them. Finding beautiful fragrant peaches at the store, it was a quick decision to use them in the following galette. Continue reading “Peach and Marzipan Galette”

Brunch, Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Rhubarb, Apple and Maple Cake

Rhubarb season has just started, and the fresh reddish stalks are hard to resist. As I was about to bake a quick apple and maple cake, it only felt right to reduce the amount of apples, and mix in some rhubarb instead. Apples and rhubarb mix so well together, and both pair beautifully with maple flavor and aroma – so the mix of all was very promising. Continue reading “Rhubarb, Apple and Maple Cake”

Brunch, Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, fruit, Recipes

Banana and Hard Cider Cake with Cherry Filling

As cherry season has just started, I immediately put my mind into using some of the cherries I’ve bought in a cake. At the same time, I, once again, had a couple of ripe bananas that could only be used in a cake. So it made sense to combine the two in one cake, and the result is in front of you. Continue reading “Banana and Hard Cider Cake with Cherry Filling”

Brunch, Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, Eggs, Recipes

Tres Leches Cake

Tres leches (i.e. three types of milk) cake, is one of my favorite desserts to order, whenever I go to a Mexican restaurant. The spongy cake is oozing with a tasty milk syrup, and topped with whipped vanilla cream. Granted, it is sweeter than most cakes I’m usually making, but it is also very delicious and irresistible. So far, I was happy enough with only ordering it when at the restaurant, and didn’t make it at home. But with limited restaurant experiences lately, things changed, and I was looking for an authentic recipe, in order to make it at home. When I saw the detailed recipe for it on a blog I follow, Irene’s “My slice of Mexico”, I knew it was the one to try first. Continue reading “Tres Leches Cake”

Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, Cooked Fruits, Jams, Jelly, fruit, Recipes

Pineapple, Coconut and Rum-Raisins Cakes

The following cakes will delight any fan of dense and moist fruit cakes, with an added bonus of tropical flavors and aroma of pineapple, coconut, rum and vanilla. Continue reading “Pineapple, Coconut and Rum-Raisins Cakes”

Cakes, Cakes and Desserts, Cooked Fruits, Jams, Jelly, fruit, Recipes

Blueberry, Lavender and Lemon Marble Cake

Buying more blueberries than needed, I decided it would be a good idea to bake a cake with them. However, I didn’t want to just add them into a cake batter, but rather, have them in a sort of separate layer in the cake.

Continue reading “Blueberry, Lavender and Lemon Marble Cake”