Entree, Food, Recipes, Sauces, Seafood

Shrimp in Creamy Lemon-Tomato Sauce

On a hot summer day, the last thing we want is to stand too long at the stove. A quick, yet tasty and full of flavors, dish, is much more appealing. The following dish is exactly that, as it can be easily made in less than half an hour.
Choosing shrimp for the protein, therefore, makes a lot of sense, as they cook so quickly. Using a freeze-dried herbs mix, makes the preparation even quicker, as no washing and chopping is required. Adding Mediterranean ingredients, such as lemon juice and zest, capers and sun-dried tomatoes, to the sauce, pairs perfectly with the shrimps’ taste and texture.
Rounding it all up with a bit of wine, tomato paste, and cream, creates a wonderful bold and tasty sauce.
The dish can be served as is, or on a bed of pasta. For this option, I chose to use Angel Hair pasta, as it cooks very quickly, and it absorbs the sauce beautifully.
Any way you choose to serve it, this dish is perfect for a light summer lunch, or early dinner. Try it and enjoy.

* For instructions on how to peel and deveined shrimp, click HERE
* For the freeze-dried herbs mix, I used Litehouse Poultry Blend, which is a lovely mix of onions, thyme, sage, marjoram, spring onions, garlic and rosemary. Despite its name, this mix of herbs can be used in just about any dish. It can be found in most supermarkets, or online. Any other herbs mix can be used instead.
* The best capers for this dish are the very small ones, known as “nonpareil capers”. If you can only find bigger ones, chop them roughly before adding to the mixture.

Makes: 2
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

10 medium shrimps, fresh or frozen-thawed (16-20 count), peeled and deveined (I kept the tails on)
½ large juicy lemon
2 Tbs freeze-dry herb (see notes), or any other dried herbs mix
2 Tbs capers (see notes)
2 Tbs sun dried tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp freshly ground four peppers mix
1 Tbs butter
1 Tbs olive oil
¼ cup rosé (or white) wine
¾ cup heavy cream, at room temperature
1 Tbs chopped scallions
1 Tbs tomato paste
For serving:
Chopped scallions
Angel Hair pasta (optional)

  1. Peel and devein the shrimps. Place on paper towels, to absorb moisture.
  2. Zest and juice the lemon. Place in a small bowl, and add the herbs mix, capers, sun dried tomatoes, salt and pepper.
  3. Mix the butter and olive oil in a medium pan, over medium-high heat. Once the butter foams a bit, add the shrimps, and sauté until they change color on both sides.
  4. Add the herbs-capers mix, and the wine, mix and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and cook for 2-3 minutes, while tilting the pan, until most of the liquids are reduced.
  5. Add the cream, scallions and tomato paste, mix and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and cook for 2-3 minutes, until the sauce thickens. Taste and adjust seasoning before serving. Serve as is, or on a bed or Angle Hair pasta. Scatter chopped scallions on top.
Brunch, Cakes and Desserts, Food, fruit, Muffins, Recipes

Cherry, Dark and White Chocolate Muffins

With abundance of beautiful fresh cherries at the store, I immediately put my mind into using them in the muffins I was planning to bake. Continue reading “Cherry, Dark and White Chocolate Muffins”

Chicken, Entree, Food, Recipes, Vegetables

Roasted Chicken Thighs, Carrots and Potatoes, with Spicy Tamarind Marinade

Roasted chicken thighs is a dish I make often, in various ways. This time, I’ve decided to use a spicy-sweetish-tangy marinade, for the chicken and the carrots and potatoes I’ve added to it; using different spices, along with the unique addition of tamarind paste. Continue reading “Roasted Chicken Thighs, Carrots and Potatoes, with Spicy Tamarind Marinade”

Cakes and Desserts, Cookies, Food, Recipes

Tahini, Maple and Sesame Seeds Cookies

Tahini sesame paste is a highly versatile ingredient; its unique nutty flavor lends itself beautifully to both savory or sweet dishes. This time, I’ve decided to use it in cookies, and started gathering ingredients for making them. Continue reading “Tahini, Maple and Sesame Seeds Cookies”

appetizer, Brunch, Cheese, Food, Recipes, Vegetables

Cheese Stuffed Baked Pepper Halves

Finding some medium size peppers became a rarity in the last few years. For some odd reason, it seems that most of the peppers at the stores are either huge, or tiny, but the in-between are hard to find. Continue reading “Cheese Stuffed Baked Pepper Halves”

Cakes and Desserts, Food, fruit, ice cream, mousse, Recipes

No-Churn Blueberry-Lavender Ice Cream

No-churn ice creams are quick and easy to make, and rely on only two ingredients: whipping cream and sweetened condensed milk.
Granted, this type of ice cream doesn’t have the same rich mouthfeel, or dense texture, that a classic custard-based churned ice cream has, but, nonetheless, it is still highly enjoyable and versatile, and a very pleasing option to have at hand. Continue reading “No-Churn Blueberry-Lavender Ice Cream”

Entree, Food, lamb, Meat, Recipes, Vegetables

Lamb Stew with Artichoke Bottoms and Red Potatoes

Lamb stews are perfect for a spring lunch or dinner, when the weather is still a bit chilly, yet warmer weather is definitely around the corner.
The following stew mixes spring green flavors of celery, artichokes and sweet peas, with the traditional comforting mix of lamb and potatoes. Continue reading “Lamb Stew with Artichoke Bottoms and Red Potatoes”

Brunch, Cakes, Cakes and Desserts

Puff Pastry Braid with Frangipane Almond Cream

My individual Pithivier pastries, with frangipane almond cream, are a dessert I make often. The combination of crispy, golden, buttery puff pastry, and a creamy, fragrant almond cream filling, is always delightful.
This time, I’ve decided to use the same ingredients, in a different way. The braided puff pastry cakes are the tasty result of this decision. Continue reading “Puff Pastry Braid with Frangipane Almond Cream”

appetizer, Brunch, CONDIMENTS, Fish, Recipes

Tuna Crudo with Blood Orange

Raw fish dishes are mostly associated with the Japanese cuisine, however, they are also popular in many other cuisines, from the Mediterranean, to South America, and more.
While my go-to recipe for red tuna is my tartare with Asian vinaigrette, this time, I was leaning more towards the Mediterranean flavors. A quick search introduced me to Tuna Crudo (i.e. raw tuna) – an Italian dish, which has many versions. Continue reading “Tuna Crudo with Blood Orange”

Chicken, Entree, fruit, Recipes, Sauces

Chicken Thighs with Apple Cider Cream Sauce

As the weather gets warmer, and spring is around the corner, the switch towards lighter and fresher main dishes in only natural. The following dish is a good example of that.
Chicken thighs cooked with apples and cider is one of my favorite combinations; the light sweetness-tartness of the apples, and their crispy and fresh texture, are a perfect match for the chicken. Continue reading “Chicken Thighs with Apple Cider Cream Sauce”

Brunch, Cakes and Desserts, Cookies, Food, fruit, Recipes

Pistachio and Dried Apricot Freezer Butter Cookies

Having a few logs of cookie dough in the freezer, always makes it easier to have freshly baked cookies in no time. The additions I’ve chosen to add to the basic butter dough this time – pistachios and dried apricot – added wonderful flavors, bright color and different textures to the cookies. Continue reading “Pistachio and Dried Apricot Freezer Butter Cookies”